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Canadian folk metal sixtet
will release EP
‘The Forgotten West’

album artwork by Renee Robyn photography and Digital Art
The Forgotten West
How Long is Forever?
The Storm
Fire Circle
Call to War
produced, mixed and mastered by Diego Fernandez, Oracle Recoding Studios

Forsaken Rite are:
Paige Patenaude
(Adaria Ravencroft) – drums
Daniel Brown
(Räv Dagdrömmare) – keyboards
Scott Schulthies
(Ulfbjorn Weirsson) – bass
Connor Pylypa
(Peregyr) – guitar
William Hubbs
(Emrys Faol) – vocals
Ursula Acuña Kuchenbecker
(Ursa) – vocals, flute
Alex McPhail
(album only) – guitar, flute
2024 – The Forgotten West – EP
2017 – The Northern Saga – Album
2015 – For the Honour of our Fathers – EP (2017):
“‘The Northern Saga’ is definitely worth checking out as it has some solid songs, strong performances and catchy tracks. Another epic album from north of the border.” (2017):
“…The conquest based on riffs warriors and vindictive is launched, no prisoners and drink in the skull of our enemies tonight! But FORSAKEN RITE is not just a fight, it’s also a real passion for Scandinavian shamanic atmospheres that are inserted in small touches along the tracks…”

‘The Forgotten West’ as an EP is a collection of songs that tell a grand adventure story spanning multiple regions, times, and events.
Building upon the sounds and ideas established in ‘The Northern Saga’ (2017) it serves as the relaunch of Forsaken Rite and the world they intend to build intertwining metal and folk music and fantasy-inspired storytelling.
Each song features distinct and unique folk and metal elements throughout that give each member of the Warparty an opportunity to shine and showcase their musicianship.
Soaring, versatile, and expressive clean vocal melodies, harmonies, and lyrics build the Warparty’s world and stories.
Hard-hitting distorted vocals display anguish, anger, and power and support the emotive expression of the songs and stories.
Forsaken Rite’s iconic accordion-inspired sound is accompanied by inspiring and distinctive flute and medieval flute lines.
The instrumentation is further supported through epic and expansive orchestral and folk elements including various horns, harps, and strings.
Striking and virtuosic guitar solos and leads shine through while providing rhythmic and heavy support throughout.
Driving bass guitar lines are distinguished with multiple leading bass lines and otherwise supportive and establishing rhythms.
Thundering and widely varied percussive elements throughout the songs establish and fortify the direction of each song.
Although the songs are loosely interconnected, each song is intended to stand alone by capturing the listener in the unique sounds and stories of Forsaken Rite.
Forsaken Rite:
“The upcoming EP is an evolution of the Forsaken Rite sound with new creative members. We want this EP to be a continuation of our full-length album ‘The Northern Saga’ where every song, though unique, and listenable on its own, is still very much part of the whole story, the adventure. We want our listeners/fans to join us once again on our adventures and feel like they are every part of the Warparty contributing to its success.”
‘The Forgotten West’:
“‘The Forgotten West’ is the start of a new adventure. Once content living a simple life in their town, everything changed on the night of reckoning when the town was attacked and everyone lost their land and home. Legends whisper of new lands to the West that are prosperous and free, so now the Warparty has begun their quest. Despite great successes so far on this quest and new stories to be told, they can’t help but remember, and long for what they once had, but was lost. Who will remember where it all began?…’The Forgotten West’ is an epic adventure song that features multiple different folk, orchestral, and metal elements. It serves as a beacon to the listener to join the Warparty on their adventure and sets the stage for the successes, the failures, and the overall diversity that is going to be experienced throughout ‘The Forgotten West’. The introduction is an ominous flute introduction that builds the stage for the story that is to ensue throughout The Forgotten West’s journey. The song features multiple vocal verses led first by clean vocals and later distorted vocals that build the world and narrative of ‘the Forgotten West’ capturing the magnitude and scale of Warparty’s journey and the emotions behind it all. The song’s chorus soars high and captures the heart of the journey. The bridge is abrupt and fills the soundstage with an epic orchestral composition over a chant enticing the listener to remembrance of what was once had, and the sacrifices that it took to get where they are now.”
‘How Long is Forever?’:
“Descend into madness. An immortal being starts the story by questioning the meaning of its existence. The melancholic voice of Sanity is represented by clean vocals, which describe the internal struggle associated with the meaningless passing of time. Madness, represented by distorted vocals, slowly takes over until there is no trace of Sanity left…’How Long is Forever’ was first developed as an original work for another project by Ursula (vocals). Bringing it to Forsaken Rite, it was quickly reworked to fit with the new direction of the band. It’s easily one of the most diverse songs on the EP bringing darker and dynamic elements to the band’s sound. The song is bass and clean vocal driven, starting dark and haunting and, in line with the story told, progresses heavier and heavier ending with a grand multi-layered outro incorporating unclean vocals, accordion, flute, guitar, syncopated percussion, and other orchestral elements.”
‘The Storm’:
“The adventurers are traveling West and encounter a terrible storm. As if something greater has other plans for their journey, they must weather its forces in order to survive and continue on their path…’The Storm’ is a catchy sing-a-long with clean and distorted vocals and multi-layered folk elements. The instrumental section is percussive and brings together multiple folk instruments and melodies.”
‘Fire Circle’:
“‘Fire Circle’ tells the story of the night directly after the events of ‘The Storm’. All gathered around the fire, festivities ensue in remembrance of those who have been lost and the challenges that have been faced…’Fire Circle’ features several distinct musical elements and sections including a medieval flute intro, ominous and reflective clean vocals that build the song’s narrative and entice the listener to join in the festivities and remembrance, and several folk instrumental sections giving a lead to dancing rhythms and melodies on accordion, flute, and guitar. The song sends off the listener with a soaring guitar lead as the festivities continue.”
‘Call to War’:
“‘Call to War’ is the finale of ‘The Forgotten West”s journey. The Warparty has made it to their destination… for now. They have found villages and life isn’t so bad, it’s different than before, but yet… oh so familiar. But as if destiny had other plans, peace lasts only so long before history begins to repeat itself as new enemy forces move in to take what little the village has left.
Call to War is a battle speech and a rallying cry, because this time, we all stay to fight, unlike so long ago, before the journey of The Forgotten West…The drums of war front the final rally cry as the war party leads warriors into battle. ‘Call to War’ is a heavy war song led by the power of unclean vocals as clean vocals build the narrative. The song is directed at listeners enticing them to join the Warparty in the final battle. The song’s bridge is a grand battle speech and a march towards victory climaxing in a multi-layered instrumental and vocal breakdown to round out the EP.”
The band explains the cover artwort:
“Depiction of a hooded figure in a broad landscape running to the distance with buildings and mountains in the background.”
Forged in the cold northern plains of Edmonton, AB, Forsaken Rite has been crafting tales of ancient lore and heroic feats since their formation in 2012.
Drawing inspiration from their northern ancestry and the wild landscapes of Canada, the band has built a reputation for delivering electrifying live performances and transporting their audience into fantastical realms.
Weaving intricate tales of adventure, battles, and travels with each song they create.
Their upcoming EP ‘The Forgotten West’ out on September 27th, 2024 is a continuation of 2017’s ‘The Northern Saga’, and sees the band/war party heading West.