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Finnish Neoclassical
Symphonic Melodic Death Metal band
released single/video
‘The Bite of the Cosmic Snake’

Composed and lyrics by Sami Selkäinaho
Finnish neoclassical symphonic melodic death metal band Clamoris is set to release their debut album ‘Opus Limbonica’ on October 28th 2022 via Inverse Records.
third and final single ‘The Bite of the Cosmic Snake’ has been released.
Composer & lyricist Sami Selkäinaho comments:
“The third and final single of ‘Opus Limbonica’, ‘The Bite of the Cosmic Snake’, is the primary single of the album. It’s got a tight structure and a catchy chorus. It’s a somewhat ‘rocky’ song with tight solos and is likely the most accessible song of the album. It focuses by and large to heavy and catchy riffs over melody, and has a very dark atmosphere to it. The neoclassical element of our approach still pops up here and there, especially in the keyboard solo.”
Finnish Neoclassical
Symphonic Melodic Death Metal band
has released single/video
‘A Window to My Dreams’

Composed and lyrics by Sami Selkäinaho

Finnish neoclassical symphonic melodic death metal band Clamoris is set to release their debut album ‘Opus Limbonica’ on October 28th 2022 via Inverse Records.
The second single ‘A Window to My Dreams’ has been released.
Composer & lyricist Sami Selkäinaho comments:
“The second single from ‘Opus Limbonica’, ‘A Window to My Dreams’, is the mid-point of the album. The song is dark and hateful, yet driven by melody. It contains some of the trickiest leadworks in all of ‘Opus Limbonica’. Containing a lot of different passages, the song is glued together by firey guitar and synth leadwork and the chorus sections. Tempowise, the song represents the more mid-tempo material of the album but still has the characteristic neoclassical elements of the album. ‘A Window to My Dreams’ is inspired by the earlier works of Symphony X, Children of Bodom and The Kovenant and puts the emphasis on melodic riffs and especially neoclassical leads.”
Finnish Neoclassical
Symphonic Melodic Death Metal band
has released single/video
‘Rage, Rain Down On Them’

Clamoris are:
Sami Selkäinaho – keyboards
Niko Peräkorpi – vocals, bass
Samuli Kaakinen – guitars, backing vocals
Joonas Kinnari – guitars
Tom Israels – drums

The Bite of The Cosmic Snake
Schemer’s Paradox
A Window to My Dreams
Rage, Rain Down on Them
Forma Inversa
Opus Limbonica
Walking in the Graveyard
Finnish symphonic melodic death metal band Clamoris is set to release their debut album ‘Opus Limbonica’ on October 28th 2022 via Inverse Records.
The first single and lyric video ‘Rage, Rain Down on Them’ has been released.
Composer & lyricist Sami Selkäinaho comments:
“‘Rage, Rain Down on Them’ is the first single of our upcoming debut album, ‘Opus Limbonica’. The song is the shortest song of the album and represents the fastest side of ‘Opus Limbonica’. It’s the best song to kick things off as it condenses what the album is about to a tight package. Revolving around melodic delivery, the song utilizes a few symphonic, namely ones characteristic of Baroque music, concepts to aid us deliver this bitter ode to the Apocalypse. A subtle black metal presence lurks along the music, giving the offering a slightly haunted atmosphere. Right from the beginning, it should be clear that our music is not the easiest type to pull off. Our group consists of highly competent musicians and ‘Rage, Rain Down on Them’ also reflects this. The guitar solo by Joonas Kinnari in particular showcases the demanding side of Clamoris’ output and is a taste of what to expect of ‘Opus Limbonica’, where the neoclassically inspired bitter and haunted metal concept is expanded on to great lengths.”
Founded in 2017, Clamoris set out to bring to life their visionof neoclassically inspired extreme metal.
Originally planned as a two-man studio project formed by keyboardist/composer Sami Selkäinaho and vocalist/bassist Niko Peräkorpi, but feeling that due to the demanding nature of the songs a full band effort would be highly beneficial.
They introduced drummer Tom Israels and guitarists Joonas Kinnari & Samuli Kaakinen to the music, who, upon hearing the material, agreed to join the band.
After working out the songs for the album, rehearsing them for a while and demoing one of them on the latter half of 2018 the band felt they were ready to start working on recording the debut album, named ‘Opus Limbonica’, which was finalized and ready for release in 2022.